Intermediate B1

If you are familiar with all of the following questions, but you don’t have the answers and you don’t know how to find them 😒, this course will suit your needs: Akkusativ oder Dativ? Hauptsatz oder Nebensatz? sein oder haben? Artikel oder Pronomen? Position 0 oder Position 1? 


My system is a bit different than the system that is used at others schools : If you already achieved B1 at another school, you would start with me at  Intermediate - B1. Here you will learn up to level B2. 


How does B1 sound like, before you start?


To learn and repeat on your own: B1- und B2-Wortschatz in englischer Übersetzung: B1-Wörter: und B1-Redemittel: B2-Wörter und Redemittel: